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Principal Update - June 2021

Greetings Brightwood Community,

First of all, welcome to our new school website. This site was designed to optimize family and community engagement to ensure that all in our Brightwood community stay up-to-date with the wonderful things that are occurring at our school. Secondly, thank you… Thank you for being supportive family members, parents, students, staff, and friends of Brightwood. All in our community made an incredibly challenging year fulfilling and rewarding for Brightwood students.

This year we accomplished a lot of amazing work. Our educators transformed in-person teaching practices into engaging remote instruction and lessons. Our students adjusted to learning from home and transitioning back in to in-person learning after a year away. Our community came together to support one another with food insecurity, clothing, and resources during one of the most challenging times in our time. Brightwood stands stronger today because of the incredible work done by all.

As we wrap up this school year, there is so much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to. Brightwood has been providing education to students in Springfield for almost 130 years. 130 of those years have been at 471 Plainfield Street. This summer, we transition to a state of the art facility where we will continue to educate students and prepare lifelong leaders and problem solvers. Now, more than ever, it is our social responsibility to mold students to face problems, think critically, and lead in an ever changing global community.

Here are some updates and important reminders:

  1. Please continue to utilize our Virtual Main Office for contacting Brightwood School this summer.

  2. Stay up-to-date with out School Website ( to receive important updates regarding the move to the new building. Phone lines will be transitioning this summer, as well as the physical Main Office. Using the Virtual Main Office, Website, and ClassDojo as the main lines of communication will be best.

  3. We will be creating a Virtual Tour of the new building! Stay tuned as this will be posted on our school website.

  4. Summer School will be running from Monday, July 5, 2021 to Thursday, August 5, 2021.

  5. Report Cards will be mailed home on the last day of school.

  6. Please check our website regularly for new policies and procedures for our new school building. It will be important that families and students are aware of changes that are occurring.

To close, congratulations to our Brightwood School Class of 2021! You will be missed and your Brightwood family wishes you well as you transition into middle school. Never stop working hard, being kind, and doing good for those around you. Do not forget your Brightwood family!

I will be posting blog posts monthly on this page. I am looking forward to sharing new information and updates with our community. Please be safe, healthy, and well!

At Brightwood, We Build Strong Children, Families, and Community.


Jose Escribano


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